Bimanual examination meaning
















Examination definition is - the act or process of examining : the state of being examined. First Known Use of examination. 14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1. ? Breast examination; ? Abdominal examination; ? Inspection of external genitalia; ? Pelvic examination, by speculum, and then. digitally as a bimanual vaginoabdominal examination; ? Rectal Bimanual examination is frequently done for the evaluation of internal female genitals in gynaecologic and obstetric patients. Reliability of bimanual examination is influenced by several factors such as Bimanual VAGINAL EXAMINATION is performed for a number of different clinical indications. Performed for unexplained pelvic pain, irregular vaginal bleeding, vaginal discharge and assessment . . . bimanual examination meaning. A pelvic examination is the physical examination of the external and internal female pelvic organs. Synonyms for bimanual examination in Free Thesaurus. Bimanual examination showed uterus 10-week size, R/V, fixed right forniceal irregular mass, indurated and full posterior fornix. examination definition: 1. the act of looking at or considering something carefully in order to discover something: 2. an. Meaning of examination in English. Examination definition: An examination is a formal test that you take to show your knowledge or ability in a | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples.

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